The WizardIP Difference

WizardIP streamlines the trademark intake process and automates USPTO data entry to save attorneys significant time. Give your clients access to your own branded platform where they can access self-service trademark registration services 24/7. Attorneys using WizardIP drive more revenue and free up time to spend on more critical parts of the trademark management process.

Key Platform Features

AI Analysis.

Our AI works with clients to help avoid common trademark application pitfalls and will provide powerful insights based on the user's specific goods and services, and trademark details.

Smart Search.

Our trademark search is embedded directly into the registration process. Clients will see realtime search results based on the data they provide. This data is also available to your team.

Robust Help Center.

We think having examples to look at is an invaluable part of any user experience. Our registration process includes helpful real-world examples that match your use case.

Automated USPTO Data Entry.

Once a user fills in their application using the WizardIP platform, the application data is automatically entered into the USPTO and an import-ready file is generated for your review and submission.


Set up your custom WizardIP trademark platform.

We will set up your own custom WizardIP platform. It will use your own logo and branding and it can even live on your own domain (e.g. You can connect your existing website to your WizardIP app or simply use it with your custom URL.

Want to see how it works? 
Check out our demo


Send your client your custom platform link.

Starting the trademark intake process with a new client? No problem! Simply send them your custom platform link and they will be able to complete their entire application process online using your branded portal.


Your client fills out their trademark application.

Your client uses WizardIP to complete their trademark application. The platform uses an intuitive step-by-step flow and includes helpful links and examples to seamlessly guide users through the application process from start to finish.


WizardIP automates the USPTO data entry process.

WizardIP automatically inputs application data into the USPTO and generates an import ready file for you to review and modify as necessary. The application is not submitted at this stage, but all of the application data is inputted and ready. This process eliminates the need for your team to manually input data into the USPTO.


All application details are forwarded to you for review.

You will immediately get access to all application material including an import ready USPTO file. At this point, you can review with your client and make any necessary modifications.

Still have questions? 
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Ready to get started?

Schedule a call with our team and we will walk you through the whole platform.